Interactive Multimedia

What is Interactive Multimedia?

In the simplest of terms interactive multimedia is a combination of digital video, interactive programs, internet content, graphics, audio, 3-D animation, 2-D illustration and any other media used to communicate a message, or tell a story. The focus of this course is to foster creativity thus enabling the student to design and develop multimedia content while working in a digital environment. The course offers exceptional opportunities for students to explore their potential across a broad range of activities such as concept design, critique skills, interaction design, multimedia design, authorship, broadcasting, film, music technology and business applications.


Theme : Food
Color: In this picture mostly use green color because it represent to vegetarian food.
Typo: It use a typo that glow and attention to people.

Theme: Travel
Color:The background color is white and blue to represent the nature and feel peaceful.
Typo: Simple typo, easy to read and not crowded because it focus to the picture.

Theme: Nature
Color: The background color is green and brown. This two color is suitable to the theme because the green can be represent plant and brown can be represent land.
Typo: Typo of design it used clearly and easy to read.

Theme: Wedding
Color: The background color it used is pink slow. It suitable because it show the soft theme.
Typo: Typo calligraphy is suitable show the theme. It can make the theme more romantic.

Theme: Scary
Color: It most used black and gray color on the background because it can represent something scary. Red color almost the scary color on this theme like a blood.
Typo: The typo that use have a scary feeling.

Week 3:  (UI)

Abbreviated UI, the junction between a user and a computer program. An interface is a set of commands or menus through which a user communicates with a program. A command-driven interface is one in which you enter commands. A menu-driven interface is one in which you select command choices from various menus displayed on the screen.
The user interface is one of the most important parts of any program because it determines how easily you can make the program do what you want. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that use windows, icons, and pop-up menus have become standard on personal computers.
Visual part of computer application or operating system through which a user interacts with a computer or a software. It determines how commands are given to the computer or the program and how information is displayed on the screen.
Three main types of user interfaces are
Ø Command language: the user must know the machine and program-specific instructions or codes.
Ø Menus: user chooses the commands from lists displayed on the screen.

Ø Graphical user interface (GUI): user gives commands by selecting and clicking on icons displayed on the screen. 

Week 4: Description on my research of my selected target audience

By the time your child reaches school, she might be starting to clean her own teeth. Your child will still need your supervision and help until she’s at least eight years old.
The selection of toothpaste for children should be done carefully as follows:
Ø Carefully label Pack toothpaste such as use, warnings, instructions for use and others. Materials such as sodium lauryl sulfate should not find in toothpaste for children because it can cause oral ulcers or blisters mucosa in young children.
Ø  Select the fluoride toothpaste
Ø Make sure that the selection of toothpaste in accordance with the age of your child.
Ø Buy flavors your child likes/fit/comfortable to use-to motivate/encouragement to your child to brush my teeth.
Ø Make a comparison about toothpaste children available in the market.
Ø Buy son cute toothbrush they interest.

Quantity of use of toothpaste

For children under 6 years, use toothpaste fluoride for children with large quantities of very little use the quantity of toothpaste should be the size of a bean pea.

Why the kid did not like brush the teeth.
- The flavor not suitable for kid.
-Not interesting their design.

Week 4: Learning Outcome week 4 (UX)

User Experience (UX) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, easy to use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and product.
Factor  UX
ü Know target audience
ü Research target audience
ü Their demand and experience
Element in interaction design
ü Create layout
ü Define interaction pattern best suited in the context
ü Incorporate user needs collected during User Research into the designs features and information that are important to the user
ü Effectively communicate strengths of the system
ü Maintain consistency throughout the system
UX Experience Design
ü Navigation map
ü User stories

ü Storyboard

Week 5: Describe my role/task in my group.

6) Week 5: Learning Outcome for week 5 (Navigation map, Layout Design & Storyboard)

Navigation map



7) Week 6: Create a swf file for my flash file (button)

Create button to move other scene to other scene.

Tween motion

  • Create a new flash movie
  • Draw a shape on the stage
  • Press F8 to convert the shape to a symbol
  • Create the frame
  • Drag the shape in other place
  • Create a motion tween by right click the frame and select Create Motion Tween
  • Insert key frame
  • Press Ctrl and Enter to see

Group project
Adobe Premier Pro (editing for sound and video)

open premiere Pro

Import video

Drag to the video 1

Unlink for to separate the video and sound.

Press C to cut the video and press V for the selection tool.

Import music 

Cut same like the video

The video and sound can adjust for speed or slow.

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