Contextual Practice

Baba Nyonya are a community that exists among the Chinese community in Malaya, especially in the United States the Strait of Malacca, Penang and Singapore. They are spread through the social culture of the Malays and Chinese mixed marriages in British colonial past. 
They still maintain Chinese religions such as Buddhism and Christianity socio-cultural practices more akin to the Malays, especially in terms of food and clothing. They also undergo traditional practices such as in the event of marriage and family systems.

History of Baba Nyonya
Baba and Nyonya are a group of Chinese descent is unique among the races in Malaysia, particularly in the state of Malacca and Penang Nyonya then migrate Singapore Baba Chinese immigrants to settle in the Malay Archipelago came from Guandong and Fujian in the 10th century. Malay close relations with China were established in the early 15th century during the reign of Parameswara when Admiral Zheng He, a Chinese Muslim visited Malacca and Java during the expedition in 1405-1433. According to the legend in 1459, the Emperor of China sent a princess, Hang Li Po to Malacca Sultan Mansur Shah as a token of appreciation for his tribute. The aristocracy and the servants who accompanied the princess initially settled in Bukit China and eventually grew into a class of Straits born Chinese known as the Peranakans. Due to the economic problems in mainland China, waves of immigrants from China settled in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. Some of them embraced the local customs, while still maintaining the culture of their ancestors, they are known as Peranakan. Peranakan usually have a certain degree of indigenous blood, which can be attributed to the fact that in imperial China, most immigrants are the ones who married local women.

Wedding of Baba Nyonya

Wedding dresses for the Baba and Nyonya
Baba and Nyonya wedding custom is the most unique wedding customs in Malaysia because there are elements of Chinese culture and Malay influences daughter’s wedding customs. An eight year old , usually have a skilled cook , make the embroidery , crafts and sewing. When it reaches a satisfactory level, parents will spread the word that they were looking for potential in-law. Normally, the "middleman" and assigned to a family looking to find a life partner for their son. On the first level, custom springs will do. Representatives of boys would come to the girl's house to see if the girl had nut good manners, politeness and good at housework. If the men had agreed with the candidate, the delegates will be involved. This proposal led by ' Mueynang. "In the process of this proposal, both parties will consult with each other. Needed the help of a teller. Important information such as date of birth, time of birth, and year according to the Chinese calendar for the bride and groom are taken into account. When submissions were received, the woman will ask for a month to test whether this marriage will survive or not. During this period, dishes, pots and pans and glassware cannot be broken or dropped. If this happens, then the marriage will not be defined at any level lasting.
Event takes place next level trip to go shopping or ' today exchanged rings. During males Council will provide half of the dowry and the other half will be sent on the wedding day. During this shopping trip, people will send two pairs candles, four bottles of wine, roast pork with fruits like apples and oranges. ‘Mueynang ' will be assigned to send this stuff to the girl's house. The girls will take only half of it is sent and a pair of candles. In return, she will give two bottles of syrup and candy to the children of men. This is a sign they are very happy and pleased to grant. Next, the exchange of rings already been done. The next step, the representative of the groom will send a piece of red paper in Chinese characters meaning where, when and where the wedding is to take place accompanied by a pair of candles. The groom is represented by a dragon and peacock photo candles represent the bride. Before the wedding ceremony is held, the bride and groom have to perform the ritual ' cohtau ' in their homes.
Both bride and groom are required to dress in white. They will be told that they will enter marriage and should carry out their responsibilities as possible. Wedding ceremony is conducted primarily in the groom's house. The event was held at the groom's house in a big way. It is known as the rite of ' samkai prayer. Custom also known as the ' Wedding Tambo Seroni ' blow flutes can be heard throughout the marriage. In the groom's house also they will pray. Prayer, both the bride and groom to apologize and ask for valid all food and beverage from both their parents. This is followed by ' custom sojah. In this custom, the bride will receive tea to all family members who are older than them. If according to tradition, the bride and groom had to kneel while a cup of tea for disojah it. The groom will dibanti by ' pak- chi - grandma ' while the bride, who ' sang - for - um to ensure regular bridal jewelry. The next day, the bride will pour tea into the two - in - law as a sign that he now is one of the members of the family and will comply with all regulations established by the family. Next, the custom '12 days ' will be held 12 days after the wedding. Both the bride to the bride's house to thank the bride's parents for their wedding blessing. Dinner was held at the bride's home. The bride will be treated to a nasi lemak along with 12 types of sauces. The groom - in - law promised that he would take care of it properly. The groom will give ' ang pow' to the law as a sign that their daughter now is ownership. In return, the bride's parents will give 2 red feathered chickens (roosters and hens), 2 stalks of sugar cane and 2 candles to take home together. These items will be wrapped in red paper. The color red plays an important role because it is believed to bring good luck, happiness and harmony. Both the chicken pieces brought back by the groom and the bride is released under the bed. Supposedly, if the button under the first cock up, then boys will be obtained and vice versa. Both of these birds cannot be slaughtered or sold. It should be maintained as long as there is life. If more and more breeds of chicken, then more and more children are available. Chickens are believed to bring prosperity and happiness to the descendants of both the bride and groom.

Clothing of baba nyonya
Clothing Baba Nyonya assimilates the genuine Chinese culture as early as the Ming Dynasty to the culture of the era of the Malacca Sultanate. Baba Nyonya fashion similar to traditional Malay costume which consists of a baju kebaya, batik sarongs and chain necklaces. The use of material and design fashion similar to the Malay race, but there are features that are unique and reflect their own identity. Beads shoe is an invaluable treasure of the Baba Nyonya. Handmade Beaded Shoes requires skill and patience to be produced from the joint glass beads that are angular fine on burlap. Originally used to decorate beads shoe is fully imported from Europe, but eventually obtained from Japan because of better quality and more oriental.
Patterns and motifs on the beaded shoes Baba Nyonya Melaka mainly flora and fauna such as carnations, roses, Alamanda, bird -paradise (phoenix), dragon, lion, chicken and so on. Match the colors used on the beads and women's clothing that will fit lady and very much influenced by their culture. Since the late 1930s, has experienced a revolution beaded shoes and rejuvenated with a more modern design and compact, plus the heel.

Manek Shoes traditional motifs of flora
Modern Manek Shoes


Shoes sheath embroidered with floral motifs worn lions and men Baba

Shoe manufacturing complex Manek

Many young women Melaka Baba Nyonya kebaya still wear beautiful patterned sarong brooches link and match the shoes are beautiful Manek. They will bun either a bun or two with prick bun patterned flora and fauna, flanged feed, necklaces and bracelets. Bun two is only allowed for unmarried women lady only.
Girls Lady Bun two
Some photos kebaya from

Pictures of Drama Serial Singapore, Little Nyonya

Cluster brooch
As for the women who were old Baba Nyonya (more commonly known by the title of the maid), they will long blouse high collar that covers the chest (long shirt or blouse called encim. Kebaya length must be above the knee length, open front inner quasi- will kebaya , not intersected by the body ( loose ), brooches links, worn out white vest (called football kecik), sarong kebaya quite rare as ( gauze, etc.), are matched with batik sarongs, handkerchief (sometimes infused in shirt collar and attached at the shoulders and gloves are not shod heels. Their shoes embroidered with motifs and colors various not overdo appropriate to their age. Most of them will charge length necklace with a pendant made ​​of a rather large gold and precious stones like and jade. The old Baba or more short -clothes men were on normal days but still impose Sam foo, coat or shirt with pants and barefoot pagoda embroidery and cap.

Long kebaya nyonya

Society Father and Nyonya undeniably noted in Malacca. This society also known with the traditional food here datary from their ancestor. Usually Baba's food race from Chinese cuisine but adjust with Baba's appetite race that like spicy dish Malay community. But this practice only done at home only.
Food and Baba's cooking societal tradition usually served in day of celebration like Chinese New Year celebration, birthday or wedding day. Here served cooking and their traditional confectionery.
Type of  Baba's cooking is like curry, sambal, pang -teh, as wan kepi ting name lye mixture pork and soup crab, timitik duck that clad with pickled vegetable or fermented, sioh duck namely duck meat wrapped with spice, pig heart packets, Nyonya pickle and coconut rice.
Apart from that, Baba's society also serves Nasi Kunyit and a type of mee made special, namely 'mee meet know'. Mee made with intention in order to meet wish so that extended age.
Baba's traditional society confectioneries on the other hand consisting of glutinous rice cake or tih kuey and kuey-ku that shaped red colored , blue and black tortoise .Glutinous rice cake or tih kuey is heritage Chinese community on Baba's society. Apart from that, Baba's society also interested in cake miuh traditional Malay like sweetmeat, sweetmeat, rogue, sponge cake and others more.

Kuih bakul            
  Tih kuey

Bakwan kepitig

itik sioh

itik temitik


mee sua tau

nasi kunyit

nasi lemak

 peng the
Peranakan create one culture that is unique by retaining many Chinese traditions, like celebrate celebration Chinese New Year, Tanglung celebration, with according to local culture and also colonist.
Chinese New Year

Khuih Thiah day namely opening day for celebration. It also is day peel onion. Day also is in
open to relatives and friends to come complete various preparations.
Khuih Thiah day (day peel onion)

Significant of study

We chose the title because of baba and nyonya baba and nyonya less known in the community nowadays. Baba and Nyonya has a uniqueness that attracts attention. It involves two Chinese and Malays but still profess Christianity. Baba and Nyonya also practice their own customs such as weddings and festivals. Marriage customs baba and nyonya have two ways as a spy and Malay custom wedding proposal and also under Chinese customs like wearing during the wedding china . The festival focuses on celebrating thiah Chinese custom . The Tanglong and most unique cake for baba nyonya is a traditional Malay clothes such as dresses and shoes to wear kebaya nyonya envroidery embroidered on the neck , arms and final football. Then matched with Batik Sarong . Lady wearing a silver belt Seri batik sarong adorned with bas-relief of cloud patterns . Beads shoe is Baba Nyonya heritage . Manek handmade shoes requires skill and patience to be produced from glass beads with a fine cloth sheeting angles and motives . The design of Manek Baba Nyonya shoes mostly made of flora and fauna. Match the colors used on the beads and women's clothing that fits and women are greatly influenced by their culture .

Statement of problem
  •   Problems faced by baba and Nyonya is majority community in Malaysia are not aware that there is a group of people who are unique.
  • The community is not open minded to accept or know the customs of the baba and Nyonya.
  •  The baba and Nyonya only in certain States only the small batch.
  •   Baba and Nyonya pagans and regular ceremony to maintain.

Aim and objective
-          To create campaign posters throughout baba nyonya.
-          To understand about the baba nyonya.
-          To introduce the Baba and Nyonya in society.
-          To maintain the tradition of baba and nyonya.


The babas and nyonyas embody the idea of cultural diversity in unity. they have adapted and borrowed with ingenuity, resourcefulness and open minds to develop a distinctive culture that is colourful and unique. The babas and nyonyas are a unique sociological and  cultural phenomenon that occurred in an era of momentous transition. they have significantly enriched the malaysian and singporean cultural heritage, cuisine, fashion and the arts. If peranakan culture cannot survive, we can only hope that the legacy of this extraordinary culture - a culture which brought out the beauty, grace. Passion, joie de vivre, industry, resilience and resourcefulness of two major group of people.





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